Rebecca Motloung – Climbing her way to success!

Coming from humble beginnings SAIW Administrator and Student Advisor Rebecca Motloung is a walking example of how a strong work ethic, initiative and perseverance prevail. For over a decade, Rebecca has been helping SAIW students to push past uncertainty and undertake courses that would ultimately lead to their successful careers.

Q. Please can you provide a brief outline of where you grew up and went to school?

A. I was born in Alexandra but moved around a lot as a child – I ended up staying with my grandmother throughout my primary school years. I initially went to Orlando High School but soon moved to Diepdale where I completed my school years. Throughout this time, I would often go visit my mother at her workplace, Cozens Personnel, where the managers got to know me and took a liking to me. I was hired as a tea lady and runner for the consultants there.

Q. How did your first job impact where you ended up with SAIW?

A. At Cozens Personnel, I thrived as a runner. When the Receptionist didn’t show up for work, I took initiative and began answering the phone and taking messages. Because of my ability to step up to a challenge, I was quickly promoted to Receptionist where I thrived for six years. Thereafter, I continued honing my administration skills and was lucky enough to find a position at the SAIW.

Q. How did you come to work at the SAIW and when?

A. I wanted to find a position closer to home that offered me the freedom to realise my potential. I found this at SAIW where I have been for the last 14 years and still going strong!


Q. What is your current position and please describe a typical day in your job?

A. I am an Administrator and a Student Advisor. Daily, I assist students with booking practical welder training – I make this process easier to understand and oftentimes walk through every step with them to ensure they receive their desired outcome.

Q. What are some of the most common questions that you need to help students with on a daily basis and how do you help them solve these problems?

A. I often deal with students who think that because they don’t have a tertiary education, they will not succeed in their careers. I reassure them and help them understand how many doors SAIW can open once they have completed the course. I provide guidance to unsure students by getting them on the track that’s right for them.

Q. What do you consider the most exciting changes at the SAIW in the past few years that have made the organisation more efficient and student friendly?

A. I am very excited about the number of new courses that have been implemented over the years. There’s nothing that makes me happier than seeing students’ eyes light up with possibility after coming to enquire about our courses. The new offerings open a wide range of possibilities for individuals with various backgrounds.

Q. What is your life philosophy or something that sums up your approach to life and work?

A. My life philosophy is to ensure that my loved ones are happy and to continue doing my best for all those I encounter professionally.

Q. What is one of the most important lessons you have learnt in life and who or which situation did this stem from?

A. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is to be grateful for what I have. I was in a situation where I witnessed many retrenchments at a previous workplace and I was not affected personally – this was a big eye-opener for me and taught me to never take what I have for granted.

Q. What are your personal goals and your goals for the SAIW in the next year?

A. My goal for the SAIW is to ensure that my performance continually improves and that I do all that I can to assist where I can. I hope to spend many more years witnessing the great developments of the institute that continue to manifest.