SAIW BURSARY WINNER 2023 – Thokozani Mokwena

A welding superstar on the rise

In July we launched the first of three rounds of bursaries for 2023, which consisted of two practical welding school courses, specifically designed to empower aspiring entrepreneurs who aspired to launch welding-related businesses. There were countless excellent applications, but the final difficult decision was made and the two available bursaries were awarded to Thokozani Mokwena and Francois Lombard.

In this first of our series of profiles on the winners, we speak to Thokozani who has almost completed his course. He comments; “I'm pleased with the progress I've made in developing my welding skills. I've learned to work with various materials and have successfully completed several welding tests, which have been both satisfying and confidence-building…I'm excited about the prospect of honing my skills further and delving deeper into advanced welding techniques. My goal is to become proficient in all aspects of welding, and I'm committed to putting in the effort to achieve that.”

Read more about his incredible journey here:


Q. Please provide some background on where you come from, your school and tertiary education?

A. I originally hail from Hammanskraal which is located on the far Northern boundary of Gauteng and is where I spent my formative years. After completing my secondary school education, I pursued higher education at the Tshwane University of Technology, where I graduated with a diploma in Logistics.

Q. Which are the specific SAIW courses are you currently completing? How have you found the course so far and who are your lecturers?

A. I am currently busy with my practical welder training course; I have found it to be a truly engaging and rewarding experience so far. The hands-on nature of the course is something I particularly enjoy, as it allows me to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting. The instructors have been incredibly knowledgeable and supportive, which has made the learning process enjoyable. Mr Dennis Bell and Mr Willie Williams are my instructors.

Like any challenging course, there have been moments of difficulty, especially when it comes to mastering certain welding techniques. However, I've welcomed these challenges as opportunities for growth and have been actively seeking additional practice and guidance to overcome them.

I'm pleased with the progress I've made in developing my welding skills. I've learned to work with various materials and have successfully completed several welding tests, which have been both satisfying and confidence-building.

Looking ahead, I'm excited about the prospect of honing my skills further and delving deeper into advanced welding techniques. My goal is to become proficient in all aspects of welding, and I'm committed to putting in the effort to achieve that.

I'm truly grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this welding course, and I'm enthusiastic about what the future holds in terms of my growth and development as a welder.

Q. What are some of the biggest challenges that you have faced during your life so far and how have you overcome these?

A. One of the biggest challenges I've faced in my life was during my undergraduate years. I struggled with time management and balancing academics with part-time work. I was overwhelmed with coursework, job responsibilities, and extracurricular activities. It was emotionally draining and affected my grades and well-being.

To overcome this challenge, I sought help from academic advisors and my peers who provided me with valuable time management tips. I also learned to prioritise tasks and set realistic goals for myself.

Additionally, I created more study time. It was a gradual process, but my grades improved, and I regained my sense of balance.

This experience taught me the importance of effective time management, seeking guidance when needed, and the value of perseverance. Today, these skills continue to serve me well in my professional life, where I face new challenges that require similar problem-solving and determination.

Q. What would you say are the biggest i. work and ii. life lessons you have learnt thus far in your life or even a quote or saying that sums up your approach to life?

A. Two of the most significant lessons I've learned in my life so far are the importance of resilience and the value of empathy. In my early career, I faced numerous setbacks and failures, which at times left me feeling disheartened. However, I realised that resilience is not about never falling down, it's about getting up every time you do.

One particular experience that taught me this lesson was when I launched my first entrepreneurial venture. It didn't succeed as I had hoped, and I faced financial difficulties. But instead of giving up, I persevered, learned from my mistakes, and started a new venture that eventually flourished. This taught me that setbacks are stepping stones to success.

In terms of empathy, I've come to understand that it's a powerful tool in both personal and professional relationships. There was a time when I was too focused on my own goals and didn't take the time to truly understand others. This changed when I worked on a team project with diverse colleagues. Listening to their perspectives and understanding their needs made us a more cohesive and productive team.

A quote that sums up my approach to life is 'Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.' - Winston Churchill. This quote resonates with me because it reminds me that life is a journey with ups and downs, and it's our response to challenges that defines our character and success."

One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced in my life was during my undergraduate years. I struggled with time management and balancing academics with part-time work. To overcome this challenge, I sought help from academic advisors and my peers who provided me with valuable time management tips. I also learned to prioritise tasks and set realistic goals for myself. Additionally, I created more study time. It was a gradual process, but my grades improved, and I regained my sense of balance.

Q. How do you hope to take your career to even greater heights once you have achieved your SAIW qualification - what are your plans for the future?

A. I'm truly excited about the opportunities that SAIW qualification will bring into my career and the even greater heights it promises for the future. First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude for the support and knowledge I've gained through this course so far.

My long-term vision is to become a recognised expert in the welding field, with the ability to influence industry standards and practices positively. I see myself taking on leadership roles where I can mentor and guide the next generation of professionals. Additionally, I aim to contribute to research and innovation in the industry, which aligns with my passion for continuous improvement.

I understand that achieving these goals may come with challenges, such as staying updated with evolving technologies and industry trends. To overcome these challenges, I plan to stay engaged in continuous learning, seeking out workshops and certifications to stay at the forefront of my field through the programmes that are offered at the SAIW institution.

Furthermore, I recognise the importance of networking and building relationships with industry leaders and peers. I intend to actively participate in industry events and forums to expand my professional network.

In summary, my SAIW qualification is a stepping stone towards a dynamic and fulfilling career. It has already empowered me with knowledge and skills, and I am committed to leveraging these assets to make a significant impact in the industry and achieve my career aspirations.