SAIW to become a co-signatory for ICNDT Mutual Recognition Agreement

“Whilst SAQCC NDT has always had good recognition from countries throughout Africa, Asia and Australia, SAQCC NDT will now be a widely recognised international body,” says Guild. The objectives of this Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) are to promote harmonisation and the mutual recognition of NDT personnel certification schemes in the member states and to facilitate cooperation among National Certification Bodies, while promoting acceptance of certificates meeting ISO 9712:2005 standards issued in different countries. The agreement will also promote uniformity in NDT training and examinations.

Parties to the MRA must have a National Certification Body (NCB) recognised by the National NDT Society or a relevant national body and must be members or associate members of the ICNDT. Parties will be responsible for pursuing the objectives of the agreement and recognising and assisting certification schemes that have been accepted as co-signatories.

During the Asia Pacific Conference on NDT in Mumbai in November 2013 the ICNDT Policies and Procedure working group will meet. This working group formulates the policy and implementation of ICNDT developments. Harold Jansen, NDT manager at SAIW, will represent AFNDT at both the conference and the ICNDT meeting. The conference will focus on safety and reliability through innovative, robust and cost effective technologies. The theme of the conference will be ‘Excellence with Relevance’. The conference will also sport an exhibition with over 100 exhibitors.