Engineers’ Appreciation of Welding


In many companies a mechanical or electrical engineer, engineering superintendent or engineering supervisor is given the responsibility of managing ‘the welding department’.
Often this engineer will have absolutely no welding background and almost certainly his/her university or college study programme will have included no training in welding technology. If the engineer is lucky he/she may be assisted by an experienced welder or even a welding supervisor but this is not enough to accept the responsibilities assigned to his/her job.

For these reasons the course is one of the Institute’s oldest courses and one of its most successful. The course was first developed in the early 1980s when it was derived from an
in-company training course. It has been continuously updated to ensure industry relevance. Many engineers from all types of large companies and parastatals have attended the course as part of their professional development. It is, however, an extremely important course for engineers working in smaller companies where there is very little in-house back-up for the engineer who has to be a jack-of-all-trades.

The course introduces engineers to the complexities of welding, informing them of what can go wrong and the consequences of a failure including economic disaster. It covers the common welding processes and their applications. It describes the effect of welding on materials and welding defects and their causes. It looks at cost issues, the need for qualified welding procedures and how to go about specifying them. Importantly engineers are encouraged to bring their welding experiences and problems to the course for sharing with the class in discussion. The case history discussion period is held at the end of the course and is often one of the most helpful parts of the course for the engineer. It’s very much about helping the engineer to know and be aware of when he/she needs to bring in specialist help.


PLEASE NOTE: The Appreciation of Welding course is designed to provide personnel with an overview of welding technology in order to understand welding better and make informed welding related decisions.

The course can be held in-company and anyone interested in running the course can contact Confidence Lekoane on


CPD credits available for this course

Entry Requirements

SAIW does not restrict access to this course but it is important to note that it is primarily aimed at plant, maintenance and project engineers, engineering superintendents, engineering technicians tasked with managing the welding function and senior quality assurance personnel.

Course Outline

  • Terms and definitions related to welding
  • Introduction to welding processes
  • Basic metallurgy
  • Welding defects
  • Introduction to non-destructive testing
  • Inspection and quality assurance
  • Codes of manufacture

Course Duration

5 Days

Course Schedule

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Pricing (Including VAT)

Corporate Member – R15,000
Non-Corporate Member – R16,100

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